вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

Project Manager & Program Manager at Minneapolis

Project Manager & Program ManagerProject Consulting Group (PCG) provides leadership consulting services to Fortune 1000 clients. Our world-class project management leadership experience helps our clients successfully achieve their strategic goals. Our domain is project leadership and we do it well: from planning and managing clients complex or critical cant fail projects to installing repeatable, cross-organizational processes and metrics which allow our clients to do more with less. We successfully deliver expected results. Our constant focus is on outcomes. PCG is dedicated to providing specialized solutions and services that will generate results. Our employees are dedicated to becoming and maintaining their best in class standing and are continually building their skills.PCG is currently hiring a proven Project & ProgramManager with one or more of the following backgrounds:

Healthcare,Financial Services, Banking,Mortgage, Dedical Device, Retail,Manufacturing and Governmentto work with our clients in Mpls/St. Paul.

Primary Responsibilities:

Ensuring project deliverables are strategicallyaligned with business objectives

Defining clear and comprehensive project scope

Defining, estimating, and planning project taskswithinter-dependenciesto meet objectives

Identifying and securing key project resources

Partnering with Steering Committees/Sponsors/PMO Leadership to ensure key resources areavailable to deliver project commitments

Managing resources to ensure adherence to theproject plan

Providing coaching and mentoring of projectresources

Adhering to corporate methodology andmaintaining artifacts

Defining and reporting key measures of success

Analyzing project performance, completing costbenefit analysis and recommending optimalsolutions

Implementing project change requests andcorrective actions to ensure project success

Consistently communicating to internal andexternal stakeholders outlining status, risks, issues,and action plans

Working effectively with business partners,vendors, technology, and the project team

Position Requirements:

Experienceleading large projects

Need to be a self-starter and not just managetasks

Ability to pull a problem apart and figure outhow to fix it

Maintain full awareness of project statuses,assigned resources, issues, and budgetimplications

5-7 years experience managingcomplexprojects and utilizing a cross-functional team toaccomplish stated objectives

PMP Certification a plus but not required

Demonstrated knowledge of industry bestpractices

Exposure to multiple project managementmethodologies and tools

Superior written and oral communication skills

Skilled at delivering presentations

Ability to adapt to new processes, tools andenvironments

****Local and Qualified Candidates Only Please**** ****No 3rd Party firms or Sponsorship at this time****Qualified candidates please feel free to respond to Kevin McGrane with a resume @ kevinm@projectconsultinggroup.com

Country: USA, State: Minnesota, City: Minneapolis, Company: Project Consulting Group.

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